
Below is the type of Memberships available for Persian Guff Veterans of Canada, if you would like to join our advocacy group please download the attached form, complete and follow the instructions on the bottom of the page for submitting.

Thank You  for your Support

4.01    CLASSIFICATIONS    The membership classifications are:
(a)    Regular member – served between 02 Oct 90 and 27 Jun 91;
(b)    Ordinary member – served in the Persian Gulf or family member;
(c)     Honorary member – non-Voting membership type (new form will be release in the near future).
The only different in membership is so we can keep track of Gulf War veterans (regular), all membership classifications will have the same voting rights on PGVC issues.

4.02    REGULAR MEMBER    Any currently serving or retired member and/or spouse of a member of the Persian Gulf War between 17 Jan and 27 Feb 91.
4.03    ORDINARY MEMBER   Any currently serving or retired member and/or spouse of a member of the Persian Gulf Theater of Operations


Theater of Operations consist of the following locations;Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Turkey

4.04     Honorary Member   Anyone can be submitted for Honorary membership, Executive Committee shall have to Vote for each submission. (New application for Honorary membership will be release in the coming future).

4.05    THE TERM    The term of all memberships shall be for one (1) year commencing on 1 January and  ending on 31 December.

Name of Applicant
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Membership Type
Cost of the Membership for new members is $30.00, renewal $25.00. Payment Information: We accept E-Transfer to or contact Membership Director at for any other form of payment